Tuesday, June 3, 2008


It has been a while since I have 'posted' anything on here. I guess I was waiting to see if I would wake up from a bad dream but I guess reality has certainly set in.

The Democrats certainly have a dilemma in that Obama is so green, and I don't mean with envy. He is like a robot who can parrot the word change and this only conjures up dollar signs that could only be equaled by the Sugar Plum Ferry and his main agenda is to steer this country more toward socialism. I will have to admit that if a Democrat gets the Presidency, I would prefer Obama to Hillary. The reason for this is that Obama got in is that we know how naive he is and he would mess up big time and we would be assured of getting him out after one term, if not sooner, and get the country moving back in the right direction. The large majority in the congress which we will be stuck with in January of 2009, coupled with Obama will be a real disaster. We will be assured of another Republican revolution as happened in 1994. In a way, were Hillary to take over the oval office, things would be even worse since she knows how to cover things up, with the help of Bill. That gal has an ego which is only eclipsed by the size of her slacks. She thinks she is God's gift to America and nobody could run this country better than could she. Needless to say, the Dems don't give us any clear choice but then neither do the Republicans. I have heard that the Dems crossed over to give us McCain and if that be true they gave us some of our own medicine.

Okay, if McCain should win the presidency, he might nominate conservatives to the Supreme Court, but with the many Dems in the Senate, the person couldn't get approved. McCain isn't strong on enforcing the borders and he is against moving toward energy dependence. He thinks too much like the Congress who would rather be at the mercy of third world oil suppliers than to look to our own resources. All I can say is that the next four years should be interesting what with watching Hillary trying to sabotage Obama so that she can try once again to get her turn at bat which in her mind she so richly deserves. The only difference will be that instead of telling us of her fabled thirty five years experience, it will be thirty nine years of hard work. Oh well, I have to go pinch myself and hope that this long drawn out campaign was all just a bad dream.